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Package Repositories

Bild von Markus Kohm

Deutsch: → Paketverzeichnisse

Already since end of 2013 I distributed my packages not only on CTAN but also here at Some packages were even only available here. This made it possible to fix critical bugs immediately—sometimes more than once a day—and to provide beta features.

Depending on the TeX distribution used, different ways of installation had to be supported. With the conversion of all my packages to l3build, however, this is no longer really necessary. Instead, you should now simply download the desired release from the respective github repository or SourceForge repository and then use l3build install or l3build intall --full for a local installation. MiKTeX users only need to additionally specify the target TEXMF tree using the --texmfhome option (valid TEXMF trees can be determined or set via the MiKTeX console).

The old installation options for older versions of KOMA-Script are only offered here for a transitional period—for TeX Live, however, only up to version 2023, as older versions of KOMA-Script would not work reliably for the LaTeX version from TeX Live 2024 anyway. Support is generally no longer available for these options.

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