This task is over. If you want to help, there are several other tasks.
Currently I'm concerned with the English translation of the user manual of package scrlayer-scrpage and at least parts of scrlayer. But once again my own translation could be usefully but is far away from being pleasingly. So it would be useful to have someone with good or native English language knowledge, to either make the translation or improve the translated text.
Glad to help out
Hello Markus,
I may be able to help. I am not a native speaker but my English is pretty good.
I studied English at a language school in Würzburg and took (and passed) the state exam for interpreters and translators. I have been working as a DB-Admin for the past few years as translation does not pay well. My LaTex skills are beginning to intermediate level only I am afraid but I don't mind delving in deeper if needed. I soldered my fist computer together in 1981 and never lost my fascination with the technology. I see this as an opportunity to give something back for the great help the KOMA-Script classes have been in writing documentation at work. So if you want my help, let me know how and where to start.
Now: scrlayer-notecolumn
With a lot of help from Jana, the translation of scrlayer and scrlayer-scrpage manual has been improved a lot. Nevertheless I still search for translators and English editors, e.g., for scrlayer-notecolumn chapter, für scrwfile chapter, for tocbasic chapter and for the scrjura manual (maybe the chapter of the German KOMA-Script book instead of scrjura.pdf from the KOMA-Script release).
Best is to contact me via email (see scrguien.pdf, section »1.7. Bug Reports and Other Requests«, p. 22).
BTW: Someone does contact me via email some weeks before. Unfortunately the mail has been lost by an accident and I don't know any contact information. So, if you read this and think it's you: Please try it again.
scrlayer-notecolumn done, but
The Schuberts have done the translation improvement of scrlayer-notecolumn. Alexander told me that he will translate the scrjura chapter (in this case the one from the German KOMA-Script book).
But I still need translators/editors for the chapters about scrwfile and tocbasic. Currently, in English there are only my native texts that I have made while design and implementation of these packages.