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Beamer handout with KOMA-Script

Good evening,

this question concerns both the use of the beamer class, as well as the KOMA-script. According to the manual of beamer.cls (version 3.04, pages 191-192), there is a possibility to use in principle one *.tex file to create a presentation (that is the active modus in the example) and a sort of a handout, providing some additional information placed between the frames. To to create this kind of handout lines 5--6 of the example become to be important; and lines 1--2 will be marked by a %.

I would like to know if there is a way to change the markup in the handout in such a manner, that it looks similar like items in the enumerate-environment, i. e. displaying exlusively the number of the section and a fullstop -- but not the title of the section itself -- in front of the text defined within the frames following. The reason for this is that every section correspond to a question to be solved by the students, like "question 1", "question 2" and so forth, which is already distributed to them a week before.

minimal example:

\documentclass[ignorenonframetext]{beamer} % for compilation as presentation
\usetheme{Madrid} % the same, like a style file for beamer

% \documentclass{scrartcl} % the style of the handouts
% \usepackage{beamerarticle} % the package to remove frame-enviroment


\author{General Chemistry}

\section{The Ideal Gas}

% The first question to solve
The behaviour of the ideal gas is described by

pV = nRT

Additional information will be provied in the next lecture.


Bild von Markus Kohm

If you want another behaviour of \section you just habe to redefine it. Example:

%\documentclass[ignorenonframetext]{beamer} % for compilation as presentation
% \usetheme{Madrid} % the same, like a style file for beamer
\documentclass[pointednumbers]{scrartcl} % the style of the handouts
\usepackage{beamerarticle} % the package to remove frame-enviroment

  \author{General Chemistry}
\section{The Ideal Gas}
% The first question to solve
  The behaviour of the ideal gas is described by
    pV = nRT
Additional information will be provied in the next lecture.
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