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Windows Installation Packages for MiKTeX

Bild von Markus Kohm

Deutsch: → Windows-Installationspakete für MiKTeX

MiKTeX provides a feature to activate and use additional TEXMF trees. So instead of providing an additional MiKTeX repository, I've decided to make self-extracting archives. Each of those executables extract the enclosed archive to a default folder (you will be asked to change the default, but I recommend not to change the default) and activate this folder as a new TEXMF tree. You may change the order of such additional TEXMF trees using MiKTeX maintainance tool »MiKTeX-Settings« that is part of every MiKTeX installation. You can use the same tool to remove an additional tree and to switch back to KOMA-Script provided by MiKTeX itself.

You can find the KOMA-Script installation package and some addtional packages in my MiKTeX installation package directory. The organisation of the package list is similar to the one described at »TDS Achive for Installation in a Local TEXMF Tree«.

Important Note: If you are using an admin installation of MiKTeX it could be, that you have a user installation of MiKTeX package koma-script. If so, this could have priority above the extra TEXMF tree koma-script-current. In this case, you should start the MiKTeX package manager as user not as admin and remove the user installed MiKTeX package koma-script. Otherwise the new KOMA-Script from koma-script-current would never be used. This problem does not exist, if you've installed MiKTeX not as admin but as user.

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